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Ofsted Inspections


Catch22 Include London is monitored by Ofsted. The school was last inspected in October 2023.

October 2023

Key Quotes from our October 2023 Ofsted Report


"Leaders improved the curriculum for pupils. There is a new curriculum statement and curriculum plans are in place for all subjects. The plans make clear what pupils should know and understand. Leaders have introduced new subjects and the curriculum covers all the areas of learning in the standards. Pupils now learn information technology and citizenship , the arts curriculum has been expanded and there is a new vocational offer in hair and beauty."


"Communication between staff and leaders is effective. Leaders set high expectations for staff, and staff value the new sense of purpose and direction in the school."

April 2023

Key Quotes from our 2023 Ofsted Report: 


"The overall work of leaders and staff to keep pupils safe from harm is effective. The school is a safe environment. Pupils are well cared for. Leaders work effectively with a wide range of external agencies for the benefit of pupils who have significant and complex needs. Arrangements for staff training and safe recruitment are suitable."


"Staff were generally positive about their workload and the support that they receive."

February 2019

Key Quotes from our 2019 Ofsted Report: 


"The newly appointed headteacher, together with governors and managers, provides effective leadership. Their relentless focus is for pupils to receive a good education and gain the chance to make a positive contribution to the community."


"Staff build positive relationships with pupils, which helps them develop self-esteem. Pupils behave well and show respect to one another, and to staff and visitors."


"Most pupils achieve well. Given their low starting points, pupils make good progress in a range of subjects, including in English and mathematics. Pupils’ qualifications, including GCSEs, reflect this. At times, additional interventions are not monitored to ensure that they have the required impact on pupils’ learning."

December 2015

Previous Reports


To read Ofsted reports from previous years, please click the following link:

Parent and Carer Feedback


Parents and carers are encouraged to give feedback about the school to Ofsted directly, using the Ofsted Parent View questionnaire.

School Performance


View our 2021/2022 Achievement Results below.

DfE Performance Tables


Information about Catch22 school performance can be found on the Department of Education school and college performance website.
