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Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo)


We have a specialised team with a designated Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) to ensure that the needs of each individual are met.


Our SENCo is Laura Brockway and can be contacted at:


Special Educational Needs (SEN)


Our school supports any student who enters the course with an Education, Health Care Plan, by differentiating their activities and lessons to meet their needs and by holding annual Review meetings as appropriate.


We provide services for students with SpLD, Dyslexia, ADHD and Autism needs.


We will maintain a register of those both with an EHCP and those whose previous education provision has identified as having Special Educational Needs. All our students have an a Learner Profile outlining the difficulties experienced by the individual and setting specific learning related targets.


The school encourages all its students to participate fully in all aspects of the timetable and to take part in decisions about their education and learning. Our staff work with other organizations to ensure that the best possible education is offered to each student.


The results of assessment undertaken during induction, together with information from the referring mainstream school, or specialist provision are examined to identify special educational needs. We encourage continued support from referring schools when it is identified as playing a key role in learners’ study or emotional well-being. Every learner’s case is assessed on an individual needs basis.


Special educational needs are met through:

  • In-house SENCO coordinator
  • Learning support assistants
  • Specific, targeted interventions to address both academic barriers to learning (such as a low reading age) and social and emotional issues. These are often actioned by withdrawing a learner from lessons or tutor time.


The interventions are carried out several times a week and can also be used daily for learners requiring intensive support.

SEND Policy

SEND Policy

SEN Information Report

SEN Code of Practice


In September 2015, a new Special Educational Needs (SEN) Code of Practice came into effect. The definitions below are used within that key document

English as an additional language


Catch22 Include London’s values the contribution which all children make through bringing their culture and language to enrich our environment.


Catch22 Include London recognises the entitlement of all students to access certain areas of learning, and thereby to acquire the knowledge, the understanding, the skills and the attitudes that are necessary not only for their self-fulfilment, but also for their development as responsible citizens. We seek to honour this entitlement through the education that we provide in our school.


To this end, Include London strives to provide effective classroom support for all students and to monitor and assess progress regularly to ensure that they have the opportunity to achieve their full potential. We liaise with feeder schools in order to fully understand and assess individual needs. If necessary we will also undertake our own baseline assessment to see what support is required to help a child access the curriculum. This enables us to provide the necessary support, whether through resource, 1:1 sessions, accessing translation services etc.


Where staff have concerns that language differences may be affecting a student’s progress, this will be discussed with parents, management and funders in order to arrive at a reasonable solution.

Please read our EAL Policy for further information.
