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Meet the staff at Include London


Senior Leadership Team


Jo Shuter, Headteacher


Jo was a mainstream Headteacher in Westminster and Redbridge for 15 years running large inner city comprehensive schools. Jo was awarded Headteacher of the year in the National Teaching Awards in 2008 and was given a CBE by the late queen in October 2010.  She is a passionate advocate for children and has an unwavering belief that education has the power to transform the lives of even the most vulnerable and deserving young people. For young people who are trapped by circumstances outside of their control, a nurturing, caring and high-quality school can provide a legitimate and positive route into a successful adult life.







Tamme Chapman, Assistant Headteacher (The Phoenix Centre) and Designated Safeguarding Lead


Tamme has worked for Catch-22 Include London for 8 years and has over 20 years of experience working with the most vulnerable young people in London and in alternative provisions.  Tamme is a trauma informed and restorative justice practitioner and also an Elsa trained professional. She possesses a wealth of knowledge in the following areas, safeguarding, health & safety, mental health, SEN and all aspects of pastoral care. 








Sonia Alexander, Acting Assistant Headteacher (Freston Road) and Designated Safeguarding Lead


Sonia has extensive experience working with young people to support them in achieving their potential and champions social justice. 







The Include London Staff
